Pregnancy Care Planner
Antenatal Clinic/Booking Service
The community midwives provide all antenatal care and advice during pregnancy. If you have recently found out you are pregnant and wish to organise your initial assessment please contact the midwives on 0131 536 2009. Due to changes caused by COVID-19 antenatal clinics are no longer held at Colinton Surgery, but at Lauriston Building.
Routine concerns about your pregnancy should be directed to your community midwife.
For emergencies only: If you have urgent concerns about your pregnancy (and have had your booking scan) or have gone in to labour then obstetric triage at the Royal Infirmary can be contacted on 0131 242 2657.
The more you know about your pregnancy and your options, the more you are likely to feel in control. The information given here is based on The Pregnancy Book, which your midwife should give you at your first appointment.